Sixty years of history, three generations and an infinite love for the our land and its flowers.
"It is a golden maxim to cultivate the garden for the nose, and the eyes will take care of themselves".
The Pastor family company was born in 1957 in a small village in the Imperia Province. In the mid-70s the company moved to Albenga, being a more favorable area for the flowers production. To date we operate on about 8 offices, for a total of 11 hectares of surface, we count 35 collaborators in addition to the family members.
Thanks to Luigi and Silvana, our grandparents, we have been growing basil for over thirty years.
We cultivate following the less invasive techniques and use biological / integrated systems to fight pests, weeds and infections.

For our crops we choose only the ideal conditions. We use greenhouses and air-conditioned tunnels.

Our powerful heating systems allow the maintenance of all the suitable conditions for the growth of our crops.
Plants, to grow at their best, need specific temperature and humidity conditions. And we respect them, meticulously.

Buy our flowers and plants online
Each plant is unique and carries a story. We will take you by hand with professionalism and competence in the discovery of the wonders of the world of flowers, to help you choose the product that’s right for you. We will be happy to provide you with 360 ° advice, giving you useful information on the transport, care and sale of the product.
Over the years our customers chose us for our history, our passion and mostly for the love we put into everything we cultivate, bringing you the best floral choice.
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The Pastor family company was born in 1957 in a small village in the Imperia Province. In the mid-70s the company moved to Albenga, being a more favorable area for the flowers production.
To date we operate on about 8 offices, for a total of 11 hectares of surface, we count 35 collaborators in addition to the family members. We have always been a family business and this is certainly one of our strengths. The passion for cultivation has been handed down for 3 generations.
- Az. Agr. di Floricoltura PASTOR LUIGI soc. sempl. agr. degli eredi Pastor
- 17031 Albenga (SV) - Reg. Rollo 88
- 348 8813477
- 0182 50901
- C.F e P.IVA: IT 01421120096
- Reg. Imprese C.C.I.A.A. 144760
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